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Michelle Rempel Garner is the Conservative candidate for the federal riding of Calgary Nose Hill. She is a proven fighter against the Liberals and works hard to deliver results for our community that matter.
As a resident of our community Michelle understands that our economy has been hit hard and people are looking for jobs and employment security. She is committed to putting forward common sense policies that will get people back to work, restore fiscal responsibility to Ottawa while supporting those who need it most, and get our economy growing again.
Michelle is proud to be a strong voice for Alberta in Ottawa for our community. She cares about our community and is focused on ensuring a better future for everyone.
Albertans need a strong fighter that can deliver results in Ottawa and that is Michelle Rempel Garner. She is working hard to earn your support.
Michelle is working hard to represent our community in Ottawa. The funds you donate TODAY will help her get her message out.
Please make your donation today and then share with your friends and family!
Official website for the Calgary Nose Hill Conservative Association and Michelle Rempel Garner - Conservative Candidate.
Copyright © 2025 Michelle Rempel Garner - All Rights Reserved.
Authorized by the Official Agent for the Calgary Nose Hill Conservative Association - Authorized by the Official Agent for Michelle Rempel Garner